Data Protection Policy and Cookies
INFORMÁTICAMÉDICO FARMACÉUTICA S.L. is especially sensitive to the protection of personaldata belonging to the users of the website services. By means of the presentPrivacy Policy (or Data Protection Policy).
INFORMÁTICAMÉDICO FARMACÉUTICA S.L. informs the USERS of the website"" about how their personal data collected on the websiteare used, so that they can decide, freely and voluntarily, whether they wish toprovide the information requested.
INFORMÁTICAMÉDICO FARMACÉUTICA S.L. reserves the right to modify this Policy in order toadapt it to new legislation, jurisprudential criteria, industry practices, orcompany interests. Any modification to this Policy will be announced with duenotice, so that you are fully aware of its contents.
1. Whois the Controller of the processing of your personal data?
INFORMÁTICAMÉDICO FARMACÉUTICA S.L. (hereinafter, IMF) is the party responsible for theprocessing of the personal data provided by you.
Dueto the nature of the products and services we provide, IMF is very committed tothe protection of privacy and the processing of personal data of our users andclients, and makes every effort to comply with current regulations. Therefore,your personal information is treated securely and with the utmost care.
2. Forwhat purpose do we collect your personal data?
Themain purpose for which we collect your personal data is to facilitate andimprove the service we offer you through this website.
Wealso collect your data for the following purposes:
a) Contact and answer yourqueries through the contact form provided on the website based on thelegitimate interest of the company (when you are a customer of the company(Art. 6.1.f of the RGPD)).
b) Conduct satisfaction surveys both by telephone ande-mail on the products and services offered on the basis of your expressconsent (Art. 6.1.a of the RGPD) and, where appropriate, the legitimateinterest of the company when you are a customer(Art. 6.1.f of the RGPD).
c) Send commercialcommunications and calls based on your express consent (Art. 6.1.a of the RGPD)and, where appropriate, on the legitimate interest of the company when you area customer (Art. 6.1.f del RGPD).
3. What is the legal basics for the processing of your personal data? In other words,what is the legal basis or condition that enables us to process your personaldata?
Thelegal basis that legitimises us to process your data is identified in theprevious section for each of the different purposes contemplated. In any case,these legal bases will be the following:
- Express consent (Art.6.1.a of the RGPD)
- Execution of a contract(Art. 6.1.b of the RGPD)
- Legitimate interest inthe processing of your data as a customer of the company (Art. 6.1.f of theRGPD)
4. Howlong do we keep your personal data?
Thedata will be kept for the time necessary to fulfil the purpose for which theywere collected, and by virtue of the legal basis for processing the data inaccordance with legal obligations, as well as to determine possible liabilitiesthat may arise from this purpose and from the processing of the data.
5. Whomay be a transferee or recipient of your personal data?
Thedata may be transferred or communicated to public or private entities, to whichit is necessary or obligatory to transfer them in order to manage the serviceor consultation, as well as in the cases foreseen according to the Law.
In relation to the processing of data relating to thecarrying out of surveys and provided that you expressly consent to it, weinform you that these surveys are carried out using Microsoft Forms, andtherefore your data will be transferred to Microsoft and will be governed bythe privacy policy of this company. You can obtain more information at thefollowing link:
6. Internationaltransfers
Thepersonal data we collect resides in Spain, within the European Economic Area.
Onsome occasions, services may be contracted outside the European Economic Areaand international data transfers may take place. In these cases, appropriatesafeguards are put in place to protect your information, about which you canobtain further information by writing to
7. Whatare your data protection rights and how can you exercise them?
Toexercise your rights of Access, Rectification, Deletion, Limitation,Portability or, where appropriate, Opposition or withdrawal of consent, bysubmitting a written request to: Av. Cortes Valencianas, 39 - 3CD 46015 -Valencia, or where appropriate, sending your request to:
Inthe letter you must specify which of these rights you are requesting to besatisfied and, in turn, you must show or, in the case of postal delivery,enclose a photocopy of your NIF or equivalent identification document. In theevent that you are acting through a representative, legal or voluntary, youmust also provide a document accrediting the representation and anidentification document of the representative.
Likewise,if you do not wish to continue receiving e-mails from IMF, you only have tosend a message to indicating your e-mail address and that you wishto unsubscribe from the NewsLetter or, if applicable, not to receive any moresatisfaction surveys.
Inany case, you may also lodge a complaint with the Spanish Data ProtectionAgency (
8. Securitymeasures in the processing of your data
Finally,we inform you that IMF will adopt the legally required technical andorganisational measures in its information system in order to guarantee thesecurity and confidentiality of the stored data, thus avoiding its alteration,loss, unauthorised processing or access, and taking into account the state ofthe art, the costs of implementation, and the nature, scope, context andpurposes of the processing, as well as risks of varying probability andseverity associated with each of the processing operations.
Ifyou have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us by sendingan email to
This website, like most sites on the Internet, uses Cookies to improve and optimise the user experience.
Below you will find detailed information on what Cookies are, what type of Cookies this website uses, how you can disable them in your browser and how to specifically block the installation of third party Cookie.
Cookies are files that websites or applications install on the user's browser or device (smartphone, tablet or connected TV) during their navigation through the pages of the site or application, and serve to store information about their visit.
Like most websites on the Internet, this website uses Cookies to:
- Collect anonymous statistical information, such as which pages the user has visited or how long the user has stayed on the website.
Cookies, depending on their permanence, can be divided into session or permanent Cookies. The former expire when the user closes the browser. The latter expire when the purpose for which they are used is fulfilled (for example, for the user to remain identified on the website) or when they are manually deleted.
Additionally, depending on their purpose, Cookies can be classified as follows:
- Strictly necessary (technical) Cookies: These are essential for the correct functioning of the page. They are normally generated when the user accesses or logs in to the website and are used to identify the user on the website for the following purposes:
- Keep the user identified so that, if they leave the website, browser or device and access the website again at another time, they will continue to be identified, thus facilitating their browsing without having to identify themselves again.
- Check whether the user is authorised to access certain services or areas of the website.
- Performance Cookies: They are used to improve the browsing experience and optimise the functioning of the website, such as storing service configurations, or storing the purchase made in a shopping cart.
- Advertising Cookies: These are those that collect information about the advertisements shown to users of the website.
- Anonymous Cookies: They only collect information about the advertising spaces displayed on the website, regardless of the user accessing the website, i.e. without expressly identifying the user.
- Personalised Cookies: These collect personal information about the website user for a third party in order to personalise these advertising spaces.
- Geolocation Cookies: These Cookies are used to find out in which country or region the user is located when accessing a service on the website in order to offer them content or services appropriate to their location.
- Analytics Cookies: These collect information about the user's browsing experience on the website, usually anonymously, although sometimes they also allow the user to be uniquely and unequivocally identified in order to obtain reports on users' interests in the services offered by the website.
Below is a table with the Cookies used on this website, incorporating a criterion of "level of intrusiveness" based on a scale of 1 to 3, in which:
Level 1: corresponds to Cookies strictly necessary for the provision of the service requested by the user.
Level 2: corresponds to (anonymous) performance Cookies necessary for the maintenance of content and navigation, and whose only requirement is to inform about their existence..
Level 3: corresponds to Cookies managed by third parties that allow the tracking of the user through websites of which INFORMÁTICA MÉDICO FARMACÉUTICA S.L. (IMF) is not the owner. They usually correspond to advertising or analytical Cookies.
Google Analytics _ga _gid _gat | Permanent Cookies | Analytical | Generate a unique identifier, which is used to count how many times a user visits the site, as well as the date of the first and last visit to the website. Record the date and time of access to any page of the site. Check the need to keep the user session open or create a new one and the approximate geographic location of the computer. |
Vimeo | Permanent Cookies | Analytical | Cookie created by Vimeo and used to assign video analytics with unique identifier. |
If the user so wishes, it is possible to stop accepting browser Cookies, or to stop accepting Cookies from a particular service.
All modern browsers allow you to change your Cookie settings. These settings are usually found in the "Options" or "Preferences" menu of the browser.
The user may, at any time, disable the use of Cookies on this website by means of:
Browser settings, for example:
Some functionalities and services may be disabled or behave differently than expected, such as remaining logged in.
If you disable the use of Cookies on this website, it is likely that you will no longer be able to access certain areas of the website or that your browsing experience will be significantly degraded.
IMF may modify this Cookies Policy according to legislative or regulatory requirements, or with the aim of adapting said policy to the instructions issued by the Spanish Data Protection Agency, for which reason users are advised to visit it periodically.
When significant changes are made to this Cookie Policy, users will be notified either via the website or by e-mail to registered users.
The website uses Google Analytics, a service provided by Google, Inc., which allows us to analyse the use made by users of the website, for statistical purposes only.
Google Analytics uses Cookies for this purpose. The information generated by the Cookie to compile the statistical information will be directly transmitted to and stored by Google. To ensure anonymity, Google will anonymise your information by truncating the IP address before storing it, so that Google Analytics is not used to locate or collect personally identifiable information about visitors to the site. Google may only send the information collected by Google Analytics to third parties where it is legally obliged to do so. In accordance with the Google Analytics terms of service, Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google.
If you want to refuse permission for the statistical processing of data or information with Google Analytics, click here. This action ensures that the information relating to your visit to the site is not sent to Google Analytics. You will need to perform this action each time you change your browser or its settings. Please note that if you delete your Cookies you will need to run this action again to deny permission again, as the denial flag is stored in a Cookie.